Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Tony Moly My Little Pet Eye Patch Review

Product Description
A whitening hydrogel eye patch that brightens the skin around eyes which look dull and dark. Green tea extract offers moisture for moisturized and smooth skin.
Ingredient list: niacinamide, extracts like grapefruit, sunflower seed, green tea, cherry blossom, lily, mallow, peppermint leaf, cowslip, speedwell, lemon balm leaf, and yarrow.

I only purchased two patches from TesterKorea because I wasn't sure how they would perform. Each patch was 1750 won or $1.62. Unfortunately the price has gone up to 2500 won=$2.31.
You can also purchase them from Amazon in a set. 5 for $18.44 or 10 for $28.50 with free shipping.
And Koreadepart 5 for $9.65.

My Thoughts
After trying the TonyMoly Wrinkle Line Patch I couldn't help but have high expectations for the eye patches. There's a cute hamster sporting eye patches with a crown on the front of the packaging. I guess the brand couldn't use a panda because they already use the animal for a separate product, Panda's Dream Eye Patch.
I was surprised there's no scent to the patches since the wrinkle line patches had a noticeable scent. These would be good to use if you don't like to smell fragrance in eye patches.
I have some discoloration under the eyes so it's not a huge concern for me. The bigger issue I have is under eye puffiness which is something I've always suffered from. While the product claims are more for dark circles, I decided to store the patches in the refrigerator for the second use as an added benefit to ease my puffiness. They're cooling straight out of the packaging but I wanted them even colder. Unlike the Etude House Collagen Eye Patches, the TonyMoly ones are super easy to take out of the plastic film and place under the eyes.
There's no essence dripping all over the place which I really like since it's completely contained within the gel patches. I had my contacts on when I tested these out and there was no irritation to my eyes both times. The patches stay put during the 30 minute wear time and don't slip and slide around.

Final Thoughts
I give these TonyMoly eye patches points for ease of use, comfort, and convenience. While I didn't dislike the product I also didn't love it, primarily for the product's failure to live up to its claims. I noticed no brightness in the under eye area or any fading in the SLIGHT discoloration I have there. On the other hand, I do feel like the puffiness under my eyes were slightly better. I'd give the patches a 5.5/10. (I do like these better than the Etude House patches). If you've got a few extra dollars and are looking to pamper your eyes, I'd say give them a try. If you're looking to improve a case of mild to serious dark circles, I'd pass on these and spend your money on something else.

Thanks for stopping by and don't forget to enter my giveaway here.

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