Sunday, March 22, 2015

Spring Cleaning with Expiration Dates

When is the last time you gave your makeup bag or collection a thorough clean out? If it's been a few months or, gasp YEARS, there's a good chance that a handful of your products have expired. So, in honor of the first week of spring, let's talk about how long you can keep the most common types of makeup and cosmetics and why you should care.

Expiration dates are important because cosmetics and makeup can harbor bacteria and effect your health. This can cause acne breakouts, rashes, eye irritation or infections. So not good!

Proper Storage
Keep makeup and cosmetics out of warm temperatures and humid environments. Try storing them in cool, dark, and dry areas if possible. This environment will be less conducive to serve as a breeding ground for bacteria and increase the longevity of your products.

General Makeup Guidelines
Unopened products are typically safe from bacterial growth. It's when you open the product that the clock starts ticking, so once you open it, USE IT! If you can't remember when you opened that tube of mascara, take a piece of tape or some type of label and mark the starting date on the packaging.

From my research, guidelines can vary on expiration dates but there is a general consensus. Part of this variance is the difference in ingredients between each product and can make a difference in how long it will last. Manufacturers are not expected to put an expiration date on the packaging but these days many do. Often you'll see a symbol that looks like a pot on the side or bottom of the packaging and inside this symbol there will be a number. For example if inside the symbol it says 6M, then you know 6 months after the makeup is opened it will expire.

Typically powder products last longer than liquid because of the moisture and oil contained in liquids. You can make your creams and liquids last longer by not touching them directly. Foundations in a pump bottle will last longer than pots of eye cream because you do not have to directly stick your finger in it before application. If there is no dispenser like a pump, use a small baby spoon to scoop out the product to avoid touching with your fingers. Once you start using your fingers, shorter guidelines will apply.

Shelf Life 
  • Mascara: 3-4 months. Discard earlier if the mascara smells off. Don't pump the wand in and out because it dries out the mascara faster.
  • Foundation: Powder 18 months, Liquid 8-12 months. Toss earlier if the smell is off.
  • Concealer: Powder/Stick 2 years, Liquid 1 year. Toss earlier if the color has changed.
  • Face powder: 2 years
  • Blush: Powder 2 years, Cream 1 year. Wash your makeup brush regularly to get rid of oil build up from moisturizer and foundation to help powder blush longevity.
  • Eye shadow: Powder 2 years, Cream 4-6 months. 
  • Eyeliner: Liquid or gel 3-4 months, Pencil 1-2 years if sharpened between uses. If a white filmy tip develops on the pencil tip and can't be sharpened off, it's past its prime.
  • Lipstick and liner: 1-2 years. Past its prime when lipstick develops an off smell or is hard and difficult to spread.
  • Lip gloss: 12-18 months
  • Makeup brushes: Replace when bristles are falling out. Otherwise clean with water and a gentle soap/shampoo weekly to keep them free of bacteria.        

Products in our bathroom can also lose its effectiveness over time and be susceptible to bacterial growth from use. Many of the same rules apply with toiletries as mentioned above with makeup. If the product smells funny or the formula has separated, these are good signals to throw it out despite the guidelines.
  • Body wash: 3 years
  • Soap (bar): 3 years
  • Lotion (pump): 2-3 years
  • Shampoo/conditioner: 2 years
  • Toothpaste: 2 years
  • Mouthwash: 3 years
  • Sunscreen: 1-3 years
  • Perfume: 2-4 years
  • Moisturizer (facial): 1 year
  • Anti-aging creams: 4-12 months
  • Acne products: 4-12 months
  • Hairstyling products: 2-3 years
  • Loofah and bath sponges: 1-2 months
  • Nail polish: indefinite
  • Shaving cream: 2 years

I hope this encourages you to clean up your makeup collection and accumulated products this spring. Thanks for stopping by!